Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Welcome back everybody - wishing you all a very happy and prosperous New Year.

1. SWIMMING - Eventually second and third class got to start their 6 week session today.
2. HOMEWORK CLUB - resumed this week - Monday to Thusday 3pm to 4pm. 2euro per day.
3. TRADITIONAL MUSIC WITH ANGELA DEANE - enrolment Monday 17th at 3pm in Halla and class 3.15pm to 4.15pm. 35euro for 10 classes payable at enrolment. Please ensure that Angela has your contact number so as to enable her contact you in the event of a class being cancelled or changed. For further information contact Angela 087 2166963.
4. PEACE PROMS CONCERT (4th, 5th,6th) - in TF Royal Theatre on February 13th. Our pupils are singing at the 3pm concert. Tickets are available on and cost 12.50
5. BE AWARE OF THE SYMPTOMS OF FLU - Our main concern at the start of this school term is of course to help prevent the spread of the seasonal influenza. As there is no extra funding for school supplies we are asking each child to bring in their own individual towel and anti-bacteria gel and tissues in a plastic bag (a small face-towel will suffice). The school will supply the soap.